5 Minutes with AOPA-China | Air League is Coming

《5 Minutes with AOPA-China》是由中国AOPA国际事务部出品的全新音频播客栏目。在这里,你可以学习航空知识,了解最热的通航话题。希望你们能喜欢 Nick 和 Claire的节目,愉快的享受这五分钟的美好时光。



马机长是飞行圈成员,中国AOPA飞行技术分会理事。毕业于中国空军第三飞行学院,随后去新西兰梅西大学航空学院学习。他飞过米格17, 波音737系列和CRJ系列等10种机型,累计飞行小时数超过2万小时。现在他是空客320机队的教员,常驻深圳。



马机长:飞行圈的英文名叫Air League,是一个航空人士聚集交流的平台,会员们大多是实名注册的飞行员,乘务员,地勤和航空专家。飞行圈已有5500名会员,目前会员增长的速度很快,不久将会达到6000人。

Claire: 我知道飞行圈是一个航空精英组织,你能具体跟我们说说吗?








十分感谢马机长对“飞行圈”的介绍和分享!下次能不能跟我们分享一下您的飞行故事呀!亲爱的听众,5 Minutes with AOPA-China 长期征集航空故事, 无论你从事什么职业,来自哪里,都可以跟我们分享或紧张或刺激或感人或有趣的航空故事与经历,快点用手机录下来发到我们的邮箱吧,让更多小伙伴听到你的故事,还可以获得精美礼品~





Have you noticed the new voice in the prelude of this episode? Right, it’s 明鉴万里 泽及万事, one of our fans in 5PM Aviation Quiz group. He has got more than 200 XPs. Thumb up for him!

Profile of Captain Ma:

Captain Ma is the member of Air League and the executive officer of AOPA-China flight technical branch. He graduated from the Third Flight Academy of PLAAF and developed in Massey University School of Aviation. He has safely flown 10 types of aircraft including MiG 17, Boeing 737series and CRJ series, with more than 20,000 hours. Now he is the Airbus320 fleet instructor based in Shenzhen.

Interview Script:

Claire: I know that there is this elite aviation initiation called aviation circle, could you give us more information about it?

Capt. Ma: Aviation circle, we do have our own English name, called air league. It is the home of aviation professionals. Most of our members are real name registered aviation specialists ,pilots, flight attendants , ground staffs, etc .

Claire: How many members are there in aviation circle?

Capt. Ma: Currently we have 5500 members in our air league. The members of air league grow rapidly. Now the number of members is approaching 6000. 

Claire: What do aviation circle do?

Capt. Ma: The goal of Air league is to establish the most professional communication platform in China.Now, we have 12 flight tech groups, several aviation English translation and chatting groups, dispatch, air-ground, Boeing and Airbus type group and so on. They are excellent direct real-time intercourse groups for all the members to acquire information in a short time.At the same time, many entertainment groups such as reading, travel and holiday etc. are opening.More groups such as gyms, cross country, tennis, flight attendant professionals are on the way. 

Claire: What do you expect from our podcast?

Capt. Ma: There are many podcasts on the net now, but few of them are aviation-related. So aviation podcast is always drawing attention from friends all over the country. We enjoy the podcast with many expectations.

Firstly, to improve our English abilities such as reading and listening. Secondly, to know more about aviation terms and professional tendency.Thirdly, to acquire professional views on detailed aviation news.Fourthly, to make friends with each other by discussion. 

Claire: Will you recommend our podcast to your friends?Why?

Capt. Ma: Definitely yes! It is a very helpful platform for aviation professionals and fans. All of us will enjoy the platform and benefit from the podcast.

Claire: What is the first and foremost issue to be solved in China?

Capt. Ma: In aviation view, safety is one of the most important concerns in China, it was, it is, it will be. Let’s review the past 30 years, how to improve the safety record is our first priority in all parts of civil aviation . Now, you can see, the accident rate of CAAC is 10 times better than the average of the world, twice better than USA. Now, we are focusing on how to keep the safety status as long as possible no matter in general aviation or transportation operations.

Nick: Captain Ma, thanks a lot. It’s great to know Air League! You, as an experienced captain,must also have plenty of aviation stories. Can you share with us next time? And dear listeners, we expect your stories as well, it can be your flying experience as a pilot or passenger, or what lit your passion for aviation, anything, no matter it is inspiring, touching, interesting or thrilled. Record your story simply with your phone and send it to our email. This is the end of today’s 5 Minutes with AOPA-China. I’m Nick, see you next week。