5 Minutes with AOPA-China | Introduction to ICSCC

《5 Minutes with AOPA-China》是由中国AOPA国际事务部出品的音频播客栏目。在这里,你可以学习航空知识,了解最热的通航话题。希望你们能喜欢 Nick 和 Claire的节目,愉快的享受这五分钟的美好时光。






王堪林:我们是1996年正式成立的,前身是民航总局翻译室,成立于1989年。并且2011年12 月的时候,经民航局批准,国际合作服务中心与外行服务中心和并运行。 




王堪林:我们的主要业务有翻译,涉外空运企业服务,编辑咨询服务。中心有翻译部,外航服务部,护照签证部,编辑咨询部,行政人事部和规划财务部。北京外航服务公司(Beijing FASCO)是我们的下属公司。我所在的部门是翻译部,主要负责国际民航组织的出版物,会议文件的翻译,我们也为民航局提供专业的翻译服务,在业内各大会议、论坛和研讨会中提供口译服务。 







Claire:感谢您,未来可期!今天的5 Minutes with AOPA-China 就到这里啦。听的不过瘾?欢迎访问www.aopa.org.cn,或者关注我们的微信、喜马拉雅、脸书、推特,获取更多节目音频。觉得有意思,也可以分享给身边的朋友哦,咱们下期见~


Claire: Would you introduce yourself please?

Wang: Hello everyone! My name is Wang Kanlin, and I am from the International Cooperation and Service Center of CAAC.

Claire: When was ICSCC established?

Wang: Our center was established in 1996 based on its predecessor, the translation office of CAAC which was set up in 1989. In December 2011, with the approval of CAAC, the International Cooperation and Service Center and Foreign Airlines Service Center consolidated.

Claire: How long have you been working in the center?

Wang: I have been working in our center for 12 years.

Claire: What are the core business of ICSCC?

Wang: Our center mainly provides civil aviation related translation and interpretation services, services for foreign airlines, civil aviation related foreign affairs services, editing & publishing services, as well as consultancy and research services. We have the Division of Translation, Division of Foreign Airlines Service, Division of Passport and Visa Service, Division of Editing and Consultation, Division of Administration and HR, and Division of Planning and Finance.

We also have a subsidiary company called Foreign Airlines Service Corporation in Beijing which is also called Beijing FASCO. My division, division of translation, provides translation for ICAO publications and conference papers. We also provide translation and interpretation for CAAC, as well as for various conferences, forums and symposiums of the aviation industry in China.

Claire: Our members and listeners are very interested in the training section. What courses does ICSCC provide? How many workshops per year?

Wang: Good question. Our center is serving as the secretariat for Aviation Cooperation Program between China and United States (ACP), the secretariat for China-EU Aviation Partnership Project (APP), and our center is also hosting the Cooperation Platform of China and Central Asian Countries. We invite experts from European countries and the US to participate in international conferences, seminars, workshops and forums. And we send Chinese representatives abroad to attend training and conference. The fields of the workshops and seminars include air traffic management, airport management, aviation safety and aviation security, airworthiness, unmanned aircraft etc.

Claire: Very international and very professional at the same time.

Wang: In 2018, for APP, the partnership project with EU alone, we provided 20 workshops.

Claire: AOPA China as a representative of general aviation voice, is seeking for international cooperation, ICSCC provides this valuable platform for airlines, if there is any opportunity for a joint project, I think we could work together.

Wang: As for 2019’s workshops, we are still in the close contact with various partners, notices and information about them will be released as they are nailed down. I would like to urge you, just be patient.

Claire: Thank you and I’m looking forward to that. That’s all for today’s 5 Minutes with AOPA-China. If you are looking for more audios, please find us on www.aopa.org.cn or Facebook, Twitter, Wechat and Ximalaya. If you find this interesting, you can share with your friends. You can always find us. I’m here, waiting for your comments. See you next Friday. Bye.