


该研究由GAMA与以下组织共同资助:飞机电子设备协会(AEA)、航空器拥有者及驾驶员协会(AOPA)、实验飞机协会(EAA)、国家航空运输协会(NATA)、国家州航空官员协会(NASAO)、国家公务航空协会(NBAA)以及国际垂直航空协会(Vertical Aviation International)。


 1. 直接行业活动;

 2. 通过供应链产生的间接影响;

 3. 由于行业工资流入当地经济而带来的诱发效应;

 4. 由通用航空相关游客消费所带来的经济贡献。

GAMA总裁兼首席执行官皮特·邦斯(Pete Bunce)在华盛顿特区的行业年度会议上表示:“我很高兴能够汇报我们的经济贡献,尤其是整个行业创造的130万个就业岗位。我们不仅在制造和设计飞机,还包括维护服务、固定基地运营(FBO)人员、机械师以及全国各地的维修站——这是一大批就业岗位。”








飞机电子设备协会(AEA)总裁兼首席执行官迈克·亚当森(Mike Adamson)表示:“这一十年内发布的第三份报告再次证明,通用航空是地方经济的催化剂,是农村社区的生命线,并且在美国商业体系中占据核心地位。”







NBAA总裁兼首席执行官埃德·博伦(Ed Bolen)表示:“这一权威报告将有助于我们向政策制定者和舆论领袖宣传通用航空行业的规模及其在美国经济和交通体系中的核心作用。”





作者:杰西卡·里德(Jessica Reed) • 作家兼编辑


General Aviation Contributes $339B to U.S. Economy

Industry groups release new analysis showing growing economic impact。


According to a study commissioned by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA), general aviation (GA) contributed $339.2 billion to the U.S. economy in 2023 while supporting 1.3 million jobs across the nation. The group said the comprehensive analysis by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in the report, “Contribution of General Aviation to the US Economy in 2023,” demonstrates the sector’s economic reach across all 50 states.

Jointly funding the study along with GAMA were the Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA), Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association,(AOPA),Experimental Aircraft Association(EAA), National Air Transportation Association, National Association of State Aviation Officials, National Business Aviation Association (NBAA), and Vertical Aviation International.

PwC’s study examined four key types of economic impact: direct industry activity, indirect effects through the supply chain, induced effects from industry wages being spent in local economies, and enabled contributions from GA-related visitor spending.

“I am excited to report on our economic input, the 1.3 million jobs that we create as a whole industry,” said Pete Bunce, GAMA president and CEO, during the association’s State of the Industry press conference in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. “We’re talking about building aircraft, designing them, but also maintaining them, our service sector that’s out there, all the people that work on our FBOs, our mechanics out there, and repair stations all over the country—that is a lot of jobs.”

Pointing to the 1.3 million jobs and $339.2 billion in economic contributions, Bunce remarked, “Compared to when we released this in the year 2000, that is an increase of more than 100,000 jobs and $92 billion into the U.S. economy.”

The manufacturing segment showed particular strength, with close to 4,000 U.S.-manufactured GA aircraft delivered in 2023. Experimental amateur-built aircraft led deliveries at 34% of the total, followed by piston aircraft at 28.8%. Business jets represented 12.5% of deliveries but dominated in terms of value, accounting for nearly 80% of the $12.9 billion in total aircraft sales.

Beyond complete aircraft, U.S. manufacturers produced roughly $37 billion worth of GA components for both new aircraft and the existing fleet. This includes everything from engines and avionics to interior components and electrical systems.

California, Texas and Florida Dominate

In terms of state-by-state impact, California led with $39.8 billion in total economic output and 146,600 jobs supported. Florida and Texas rounded out the top three, with $27.4 billion and $27.1 billion in economic impact respectively. Together, the top 10 states accounted for 52% of GA’s total jobs and 53% of economic output nationwide.

When measured per capita, smaller states showed considerably more GA influence. Kansas topped the list with $3,692 in per-capita output, followed by North Dakota at $3,137 and Alaska at $2,745. This reflects the essential role of GA in less densely populated states with fewer commercial airline options.

“This third report in just over a decade is further evidence that general aviation is a catalyst for local economies, a lifeline for rural communities, and essential to the makeup of American commerce,” commented Mike Adamson, AEA's president and CEO.

More than 214,000 active GA aircraft logged 28.6 million flight hours in the U.S. in 2023, the study found. Single-engine piston aircraft accounted for 51% of hours flown, while business jets represented 16% and helicopters 10%. These operations utilized more than 19,500 landing facilities nationwide—dramatically more than the 549 airports serving commercial airlines.

Significant economic activity was generated on the operational side through fuel sales, maintenance, pilot and crew wages, and other direct spending. PwC calculated that GA operations and maintenance accounted for more than half of the industry’s direct GDP contribution at 57%.

Business aviation and other GA travel drove an estimated $6.7 billion in visitor spending at destinations, primarily on lodging ($4.4 billion) and meals ($2.2 billion). The study notes that this is likely a conservative estimate since it only counts overnight visitors and excludes incidental spending.

Data from 2023 reflects an industry that has largely recovered from pandemic disruptions while adapting to changing market demands. The strong showing in experimental aircraft deliveries indicates healthy demand from private owners. And with nearly 2.6 supporting jobs created for each direct GA position, the industry demonstrates significant economic multiplier effects.

Policy Makers Should Take Note

The comprehensive state-level analysis gives industry advocates concrete data to demonstrate GA’s local economic importance to policymakers. This could prove particularly important as the industry faces ongoing challenges around infrastructure funding, workforce development, and technological advancement.

“This authoritative report will be valuable in our industry’s work to educate policymakers and opinion leaders about the sector’s size and central role in the nation’s economy and transportation system,” remarked Ed Bolen, NBAA president and CEO.

For manufacturers, operators, and service providers, the study reinforces GA’s vital role in U.S. transportation while highlighting opportunities in both established and emerging market segments. Strong manufacturing numbers and a broad operational footprint suggest an industry well-positioned for continued growth and evolution.

ByJESSICA REED • Writer & Editor

February 20, 2025