5 Minutes with AOPA-China | UAS Pilot and E-license

《5 Minutes with AOPA-China》是由中国AOPA国际事务部出品的全新音频播客栏目。在这里,你可以学习航空知识,了解最热的通航话题。希望你们能喜欢 Nick 和 Claire的节目,愉快的享受这五分钟的美好时光。


今天,我们很荣幸邀请到了民航局飞标司曾处长作为本期5 Minutes with AOPA-China的采访嘉宾,一起聊聊无人机驾驶员那些事儿。

随着无人机行业在中国的兴起,截至2018年11月13日,全国持证的民用无人机驾驶员已达到43400 人。中国因此也成为了世界上拥有最多无人机驾驶员的国家。









民航局飞标司官网(pilot.caac.gov.cn)上的无人机板块有更多详细的资料供大家参考~ 有任何关于无人机或驾驶证的疑问可以在评论区留言哦!

2019新年倒计时开始啦~ 下周5 Minutes with AOPA China 将献上新年特辑,敬请期待!


We are very glad to have Mr. Zeng Ming from flight standard department of CAAC here. Let’s get to know something about civil Unmanned Aircraft System.

Q: Could you please introduce yourself, Mr. Zeng?

A: I am very happy to be a part of your podcast. Currently I am the deputy director of the general aviation division of flight standard department of CAAC. Before I came to CAAC, I was a captain flying in China Southern Airlines. Now I’m in charge of flight license issues and UAS affairs, and also general aviation operations of all sides.

Q: How many civil UAS pilots are there in China?

A: As of November 13, 2018, the number of civil UAS pilot licenses is 43440.

Q: What is the difference between certificate and license? If I am a certificate holder, how can I renew my certificate to license?

A: The certificate is issued by AOPA-China, while the license is issued by CAAC. If you are a certificate holder, before September of 2018, your certificate could be renewed automatically by applying on the e-license system. Now, you have to take the exam again to convert your certificate to license.

Q: How can I become a civil UAS pilot?

A: Simply put, train, and exam. You get your sufficient hours of training both on the ground and practical. And then take the exam. Pass the exam and get your license.

Q: When did e-license come into being? Would you enlighten us the features of e-license?

A: E-license has been an amazing system since 2016. First of all, it is convenient. You log your hours easily and renew your ratings easily.  And to some degree, it minimizes the tendency of fabricating the flight hours. And it saves time and energy for our officers to manage such a big data base.

Q: Do you happen to  know how many other countries have this e-license or is China the only one applying this system?

A: Yes, China is the only country in the world using e-license system, and we are promoting it in international standard, hopefully, by the end of 2020, the whole world or all the contracted states of ICAO would be required to meet the quality of e-license.

That’s for the end of today’s 5 Minutes with AOPA-China. Any topics about e-license, UAS pilot , GA news, anything that may wet your appetite as well as ours, please let us know. New year is around the corner, we’ll have a special episode of new year greetings and wishes for you all. See you next week.