5 Minutes with AOPA-China | Goodbye 2018, Hello 2019

《5 Minutes with AOPA-China》是由中国AOPA国际事务部出品的全新音频播客栏目。在这里,你可以学习航空知识,了解最热的通航话题。希望你们能喜欢 Nick 和 Claire的节目,愉快的享受这五分钟的美好时光。


2018年的年末巨献,收听找彩蛋,留言领取奖品,前18秒的5 Minutes with AOPA-China的惊艳片头,听不懂没关系,参见往期节目哈!

本期,很高兴邀请到中国AOPA副秘书长Angela做客5 Minutes with AOPA-China。



Nick: 2018对我而言是里程碑一样的存在。从民航大学到中国AOPA, 新的环境,新的世界,充满了挑战。但不得不说,时间过得太快了,转眼就到了年末。


Nick: 当然啦!忙碌而开心,我想这应该就是所谓的充实吧。通用航空对我来说也是一个新的事物,很高兴每天都可以学到的新的知识!

Claire:5 Minutes with AOPA-China 从开播到现在已经30多期了,我们仍会继续坚持。




Nick: 首先当然是对开放低空空域的强烈呼吁,虽老生常谈,但不可忽视。这是通航人一直以来的心愿。





Claire:没错,我们对未来还是抱有希望的。另外,如果你想了解更多有关取证机场的信息,可以登录网站ga.aopa.org.cn. 目前网站只有中文版本的,如果你需要英文的信息,可以联系info@aopa.org.cn.

Nick: 第二,娱乐飞行的需求越来越大。



Nick: 我想训练的费用也会随之降低。


Angela: 无人机的用途多种多样,令人叹为观止。比如运送货物,无人机快递,无人机队列表演,精准农业,航拍等。

Nick : 我有些朋友都已经拿到了无人机驾驶员的执照了,他们旅游都会带着无人机,很是羡慕呀!

Claire: 中国现在有四万多名无人机飞手,是世界上拥有最多无人机驾驶员的国家。民航当局正积极完善更加详细的无人机法规,2019年有许多值得期待的东西!




Nick: 没错~你还可以在Facebook, 推特和喜马拉雅上收听我们的节目,欢迎给我们留言!

Angela: 新的一年,万事如意!





Angela: Hello, everyone. Welcome to 5 Minutes with AOPA-China, one of our signature programs.

Claire: Today we are going to wrap 2018 up and get ready for 2019.

Nick: 2018 has been a milestone for me. I graduated from CAUC and started my job in AOPA-China. Time flies so fast, it’s already the end of the year.

Angela: Nick, do you enjoy working with us so far?

Nick: Very much. Although I am occupied every day, but I feel happy. Because general aviation is something new to me, I have a lot to learn. It is inspiring and exciting.

Claire: Wonderful. We established this podcast in May and now over 30 episodes are out there.

Angela: Wonderful job as I see, podcast as well as 5 PM Quiz program on Wechat. If you are interested, join us. Lots of fun.

Nick: Let’s have a quick review about what happened in China’s general aviation circle.

Claire:T o be honest, many news made the list. However, we would like to share with you three big trends.

Nick: Sure. Top 1. The urging for opening up of lower airspace is strong as ever.

Angela: I’ve got some numbers: more than 200 airports are certified, an increase of 121 from 81 of last year. 

Claire: The plan is to reach 500 by the end of 2020. Such a great potential.

Nick: That’s ambitious. More general aviation airports mean more opportunities. The government could not let the airport sitting there doing nothing.

Angela: In terms of aircraft, more aircraft will be deployed, not to mention the professionals, which include pilots, mechanics, engineers, and air traffic controllers. I see opportunities as well as challenges. Chinese aviation culture is still not so mature. That calls for attention and efforts.

Claire: sure. Lots of hope for the future. By the way, if you are interested in finding more information about the certified airports, please log on ga.aopa.org.cn. the website is in Chinese so far, need English information, contact info@aopa.org.cn.

Nick: Top 2, there is uprising demand of recreational flying.

Angela: First and foremost, from Jan, 1 2019, the medical exam standard will be less tight for recreational flying. That is wonderful news for those who have a heart for becoming a recreational pilot. It is time to realize your dream of flying.

Nick: I guess the cost for training will drop too. I think I am closer to my dream. It will be affordable for me to apply for a PPL in the future.

Claire: The third one is on the technology side. The emerging of drones is pushy. Quote unquote: we stand at a thrilling point in the history of aviation. The skies are busier than ever. An entirely new category of airspace user is on the rise, with self and remotely piloted aircraft developing rapidly. This is from one of the blueprints of Airbus.

Angela: what drones can do is amazing. Cargo drones, package delivery drones, drone formation display, precision agriculture, aerial photography and so on.

Nick: Some of my friends have already got their license as a UAS pilot. Very exciting. They will carry their drones with them when traveling, super cool. 

Claire:There are more than 40k pilots certified in China, making China rank at the top of UAS pilots. Aviation authorities are working on the further elaboration of regulations. There is a lot to expect in 2019. 

Angela: 2018 is about to end in three days. A new page will turn. We sincerely hope the future of general aviation in China will be promising as it promised.

Nick: Let’s wait and see.

Claire: we are calling for your favourite things of 2018, please write in the comment section, tell us about your 2018. AOPA-China has a present ready for you.

Nick: you can find us on WeChat, Facebook, twitter, Himalaya. Listen to our podcast and leave your notes to us.

Angela: Happy new year, wish you all the best in the coming new year. 

Together: See you in 2019